....... I am knackered! this puppy stuff may be fun, but it's exhausting ..... photo Solo's Dad
Another lovely week has passed, it rained and rained and then it rained some more. I went for tea with Allan's Mum & Dad and really enjoyed myself, they are fabby folk and made me feel quite special. A walk at the Hermitage with Solo was fun, watching him cope with all the new surroundings, he does well. Allan & I had a quiet night in, watching Kill Bill 1 & 2, we had the house to ourselves such a treat to just relax and do nothing. I have booked myself onto a study day for homeopathy in pregnancy and labour, not till Nov but I am looking forward to it.
Tom home from USA Mike thinking of selling his van .... too expensive to run ... now there's a thought lol, Pete enjoying his last days at the Underbelly, Andy working hard as usual.
I sent away to renew my passport, wow time marches on!
Have a good week.