Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Puppy School Graduation

Last night Solo graduated from Puppy School! yes I was so proud, he walked to heel off lead the length & breadth of the hall, sat and stayed all perfectly ..... finishing it all by dancing a perfect 'Gay Gordon' with Allan and the rest of his class. A true star! I am wearing his rosette with pride today at work!
This is of course not the end ... oh no, he moves on to the intermediate level of training and Kay is continuing with his Ring Training.

Well done Solo! Big hugs

The birthday season is almost upon me again ..... Tom 26 on Saturday, is getting organized for a Halloween party, fancy dress of course ... he is going as Hellboy! What a hoot seeing his gear, he really is a character love him to bits!
Mike 23 in three weeks, he is arranging to get customized earplugs made, so he can rehearse his metal music without hearing loss..... hope it's not too late!
Andy 18 at the end of November is patiently waiting for the boxed laptop under my bed !

I am starting the celebrations on Saturday night with Tom's BBQ steak and Cake!

I am also on call for the next month, for one of my doula babes expected 7th Nov so it's all go!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Winter approaches

Eddie Reader is my most favorite singer ever ..... Allan gave me tickets to her concert for my birthday. A wonderful gift and such a great concert, the best I have seen her. Thanks Allan Xxx

I have all the accounts balanced and up to date yipppeeeee!

No news on the house selling ..... still waiting!

This morning going to work was so dark and cold .... guess winter is well on it's way. The colours of autumn have been spectacular this year, would have been nice to have had a summer though.

I am going to a 'family night' out with Allan & his family, on Thursday, nice to be included and I am looking forward to meeting everyone.

Solo is getting bigger by the day apparently he is an adolescent now

Pictures Edinburgh in Autumn, Solo & me July 2008

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Russian Wedding

Paul & Olay's Wedding ...... they both look wonderful

Wishing them happiness always.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Sometimes time just stands still

I have just returned to the real world ...... 4 wonderful days up north.

Everything was perfect Solo travelled well and soon got used to the driving and comfort stops, the weather was fabulous, if not sunshine all the time it never interfered with any plans and only added to the atmosphere. The cottage .... home from home ! The drive over to Applecross was just wow! All in all I can't wait to go back.

Allan & I shared a wonderful space together ..... it was a lovely lovely holiday.

Pictures: The traveller, A gate on Skye that I really liked, Flying the flag at Loch Carran, The Road to Applecross.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

One more step......

I am waiting ...... maybe not patiently but waiting...... high noon on 10th of the 10th! I may have sold my share of the house and with it achieved independence last! Dare I think it could really happen ..... I will let you know.

Today the sun shines, a wonderful warm autumn day.

Paul & I met up and went for a walk at The Hermitage with Solo, it was brilliant a little deja vu but lovely memories of walks with Zappa. I heard all about Paul & Olya's wedding in Russia sounded a wonderful day good luck to them.

Finished my books. Unfortunately I lost my little white 'Zappa' heart that June and Mandy gave me ... at the Hermitage on Sunday .... I was running with Solo .... I wear the heart on a leather band tied around my neck came undone and was lost, I tried to retrace my path but it was so busy ....anyone could have picked it up. I feel lost without it.

Allan had a lovely golf trip, it's good to have him back.