2011 came with a crash and completely out of the blue as 'they'say.
Being made redundant was harsh but, so many are in this situation now that there is only one wat to cope and that is to keep coping .... stand up and move forward positively.
Unfortunately I lost a job which I had enjoyed and along with it my 2 best friends. Life can be a little cruel sometimes.
Allan kept me strong and sane, he supported and encouraged my development of Shiatsu Scotland! http://www.shiatsuscotland.co.uk/
My wonderful Tom, supported me and with his partner Chloe, developed a plan to bring Shiatsu into their Gym http://www.factorygyms.co.uk/
I am now working in the gym, in businesses, home visiting, and event shiatsu for participants.
Thanks to my loyal clients from the Clinic and all the new delightful people I continually meet I am happier now than ever.
Mike & Katie have moved into a flat together and have 2 wee ginger kittens, Bob & Jim
Pete went off to work on a cruise liner, had a good experiencr but decided it was not for him so is now in London working at Underbelly Southbank the Edinburgh Festival.
Andy is off to Otago Uni in June for his 3rd year and is very excited by his Kiwi trip.
Al Solo & I and wonderfully happy. I never realised how good life is until now. Hope it is for you too!