Thursday, 4 October 2007

Life without a washing machine .... unthinkable!

Wow how exciting is my life?
This week I paid a gym membership which i can not use ( part of that ongoing saga of Virgin Active DON'T JOIN THEIR GYM! ) ... spent hours at work doing very little but answering phones.... joined Facebook (actually that part was quite fun :-) ) ..... watched Murphy's Law .... and now the washing machine has packed in ... or to quote Andy " one of the green sticky out bits on the revolving thing is half detached..." But fear not I know a man!
Davey, my long term washing machine repair man ..... alas his number is no longer recognised.
Undetered I track him down and bless him he'll come see it tomorrow. 3 large smelly men living in my house and no washing machine .... no way!

June has still not had her baby ..... life is very tense.

1 comment:

Joan Uptain Watkins said...

I enjoyed reading. Nice blog.