on going day to day ramblings of a mere mortal, as I move through autumn years, where am I heading...? Who am I? .....
Sunday, 13 April 2008
My reward for venturing out with Mandy was to visit Blackness Castle and wow what a place ..... built around the 1400's used as a prison at one time the energy is ..... tangible.
They are lovely photo's - I am envious - remember the scaffolding was up - when I last went there - wondering whether I was to be ravished by two females in the forest - lol - me and my imagination . . . I am coming back down to earth . . .
Beautiful photos. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
They are lovely photo's - I am envious - remember the scaffolding was up - when I last went there - wondering whether I was to be ravished by two females in the forest - lol - me and my imagination . . . I am coming back down to earth . . .
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