Thursday, 3 April 2008


OK ..... I admit it ...... I am losing the plot !

That infers that I had a plot to lose, but moving on .......

....... nights are endless, the quiet and lack of any conversation is hard.

Are those voices in my head real......?

I have arrived at the conclusion that the the one thing I miss from a relationship is ...... Sharing.

Today when I woke, I missed Zappa just a little more than usual and was angry at myself for avoiding getting a puppy 18 months ago. It was the wrong decision. I arrived at work and started setting up the Clinic for the day..... looking through old notes, randomly, there was a photo of Zappa!

June arrived and unexpectedly asked for my house keys ...... when she handed them back the key ring had been replaced by the end clasp of Zappa's lead!
Yes I totally lost it, crying for a wonderful friend I had treasured!

I have regained composure and the day moves on.

Life is a precious gift, one day there will be someone special to share this gift with....... I hope.

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