Tom's gym

FACTORY GYMS IS CLOSING. Globo Gym (in the form of the Gym Group) is opening a giant gym next door. They are much cheaper & nastier than us and have tons of money - we simply can't compete. I'm sure we'd win at dodgeball, but they're not up for that so Factory Gyms is regrettably closing on the 30th December. Sorry folks! It's been awesome training with you!
Hopefully his online adventure , just beginning will be a great sucess. I do wish him well. I am so proud of all he has achieved so far and know there's so much more to come .
His knee surgery went well and he is doing great :-)
The loss of the gym has been felt by many, myself included as I used it as a shiatsu/massage base now I am also looking to the future .... only time will tell where I go from here.
Mike & Katie who worked at FG looking for other work ...
On a happier note my good pal Paul & his lovely wife Olya have a wee man born today, Mark, a sister for Karina.
Welcome Earthside wee one, and congratulations Paul & Olya
Andy did brilliantly in his first semester exams in Otago gaining A+ A A- well done ... so there was study as well as party-ing going on. I am thrilled for him!
A cold, wet and windy day here in Edinburgh, but for now I'm off to visit with a shiatsu client and balance meridians .... be happy stay strong.

Hopefully his online adventure , just beginning will be a great sucess. I do wish him well. I am so proud of all he has achieved so far and know there's so much more to come .
His knee surgery went well and he is doing great :-)
The loss of the gym has been felt by many, myself included as I used it as a shiatsu/massage base now I am also looking to the future .... only time will tell where I go from here.
Mike & Katie who worked at FG looking for other work ...
On a happier note my good pal Paul & his lovely wife Olya have a wee man born today, Mark, a sister for Karina.
Welcome Earthside wee one, and congratulations Paul & Olya
Andy did brilliantly in his first semester exams in Otago gaining A+ A A- well done ... so there was study as well as party-ing going on. I am thrilled for him!
A cold, wet and windy day here in Edinburgh, but for now I'm off to visit with a shiatsu client and balance meridians .... be happy stay strong.