Monday, 7 April 2008

The Postcard

Normal function has been restored! ........ for now .......

well hopefully.

Another weekend has slipped away this one marked by snowfall, a lovely postcard, and scenes of disruption in London.

Waking up to snow was great for me as I had no need or desire to go go out, so I could enjoy the beauty without any side effects!

The postcard was from Andrew's Mum sent from their holiday in SA, it was nice that she at least thought of me. I returned the thought by sending a bunch of spring flowers to her, I know she shares my love of cut flowers and I hope she enjoys them.

Sunday and the Olympic torch struggled on it's journey across London. At the very least people are talking about the human rights question in China and Tibet.

In Zimbabwe it looks as though Mugabe is intent on staying another term in anyway he can ....I feel for the people there.

As for me ......

I am suffering from a complete loss of self esteem ...... it is a struggle on a personal level, but there is nothing to do but walk on

Have a good week.

1 comment:

Colin Galbraith said...

Hi Judi,

Thanks for visiting my little home on the Net and leaving such a fine message. Most appreciated.

I enjoyed your blog - I'll pop back in tomorrow and hope your self-esteem has had a boost.

All the best!
