on going day to day ramblings of a mere mortal, as I move through autumn years, where am I heading...? Who am I? .....
Ohh, how cute! How will you name your puppy? Will it be a he or a she?:)
Well, I had a friend who had a cat named "Tango", so as I'm not very original (lol) I thought if I ever have a dog, I'd name it something similar like "Mambo". You can't blame me, I'm a dancer :P all I can think about are rythms LOL
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Ohh, how cute! How will you name your puppy? Will it be a he or a she?
Well, I had a friend who had a cat named "Tango", so as I'm not very original (lol) I thought if I ever have a dog, I'd name it something similar like "Mambo". You can't blame me, I'm a dancer :P all I can think about are rythms LOL
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